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About Arad Boxenbaum

Arad Boxenbaum is a longtime activist and advocate for gun violence prevention, pro-choice rights and pro-LGBTQ+ equality efforts in the Chicagoland area. He has worked for and with four members of Congress and serves as Vice President of the Geneva Library Board. Arad is running for State Representative, 83rd District in the March 19th, 2024 Democratic Primary.


The Issues

Illinois has strong gun laws, but more work needs to be done to ensure responsible gun ownership and to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands.

Rifle Bullets

We’re all tired of self-serving politicians who twist the truth to serve their needs. If elected, I will seek to build upon existing ethics reforms...

Exterior close up of the Illinois Capito

The ship has sailed in deciding whether or not climate change is real, yet we still have politicians engaged in the denial of science.

Image by Sean Musil

Illinois has made improvements to the inclusivity of our state’s curricula without compromising the integrity of the education students are receiving. 

School Kids

It’s well known that our healthcare system is deeply inequitable. Rising healthcare costs have placed millions of Americans in debt while providing outcomes below what we deserve.

Reading a Braille with Doctor

The General Assembly has passed laws protecting the right to choose, but I believe we need to go further and improve those laws, as well as enshrine this right into the Illinois Constitution.

Doctor Holding Patient's Hand

I’m a dues-paying member of the Campaign Workers Guild and follow in my family’s footsteps of proud union members. 


Small businesses are the lifeblood of our community. Too much of the  tax burden has been placed on small businesses and low- and middle-income Illinoisans.

Filling Out Tax Form_edited.jpg

The rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, especially the trans community, are under threat from hateful, partisan actors. 

Pride Parade
Image by Clem Onojeghuo

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© 2023 

Paid for by Committee to Elect Arad Boxenbaum

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